Tuesday, August 30, 2011

?EURoeWhat Makes A Good Network Marketing Company?!?EUR

Written by Ty Tribble

This is a very good article published by Ty Tribble, owner of MLM Blog, that describes "What Makes A Network Marketing Company Good" that I wanted to share with you! Enjoy!

Ever hear someone say, "My ORAC is higher than your ORAC!" or "My company is better than your company?" There is little doubt that there are good companies and bad companies in this industry, the question should be what attributes make a good company? We will touch on this subject over the next few weeks in this multi-part series. Your comments are welcome and encouraged.

There are attributes of a Network Marketing company that are important and then there are attributes of a Network Marketing company that people love to toss around as a perceived benefit, but these make little to no difference in whether or not you are able to build a profitable business. Let's talk about a few of these attributes…

1. Size and Longevity Of The Company - This is a very important piece to the puzzle when choosing a Network Marketing company, but it really comes down to stability, not size and longevity. You want a company to have the resources to grow and the stability to pay out bonus checks on time, ship products on time and support your business through providing excellent customer service.

I normally suggest that people stay away from start-up companies, but if Bill Gates and Warren Buffet start a company, is it really a start up or is it a new company? It's important to look closely at the ownership.

Remember, just because a company is the biggest and oldest, doesn't mean it is the best place for you to carve out your own success. This is about your personal success in your marketplace, not about a companies 50 year track record and billions in sales in other countries. I will take a stable, innovative and growing company over a billion dollar, 50 year old company that is in chaos in my marketplace.

2. Number Of Products: More Is Better? -The myth is that more products choices lead to more volume. But the facts tell a different story. The fastest growing companies in the last 5 years in Network Marketing have been one product companies or companies with a very narrow product focus (like weight loss).

Here is the reality of Network marketing…people do enough volume to quality for the bonus schedule, regardless of the number of products and then if the product is innovative, reasonably priced (it doesn't have to be the cheapest) and solution driven, distributors will naturally sell the product to customers, creating more volume.

Hundreds, thousands (or even millions) of products do not significantly increase the volume or more importantly, profit per distributor. It's really all about the impact of the product. Network Marketing companies have always been innovative when it comes to products, but if the product is easily copied (then sold for a lot less in stores), a drop in sales will naturally occur.

I would rather have one impact product that is reasonably priced than a million products that are priced 20 to 50% higher than the stores.
There you have it! This is why I feel that Xtreme Fuel Treatment (XFT), a one of a kind fuel treatment, perfect for a struggling economy where people are looking for ways to cut their vehicle fuel and maintenance costs and earn more money.

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"See You At The Top!"

Since retiring from the U.S. Air Force in 2008, working for the Largest Defense Contractor in the World, and managing large-scale logistics operations supporting industry and government operations world-wide, I discovered that I had a deeply embedded passion for Network Marketing and the willingness to help others in the field succeed "One Networker at a Time!"

Since then my passion is greater than ever, as I, go on an "All-Out" mission to help as many struggling Network Marketers out there "Make It To The Top!"

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