Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How and Why to Build Websites to Flip

How and Why to Build Websites to Flip

By now, nearly everyone has likely heard of flipping as it relates to real estate. There are even television shows about the subject, where you buy a house that needs some work, fix it up, and then turn it around for a hefty profit. It is a risky business, time consuming, and it is definitely an example of the saying "It takes money to make money". The reason this was even mentioned though, is that there are more and more people doing this online, and looking for ways to build websites to flip. In internet terms, you can think of a website as real estate, and an asset. Read on and you will soon see why site flipping has become quite popular as of late.

The first issue that people need to understand is that flipping websites follows some specific principles. If you have some sort of obscure website title, with little to no content on it, and that earns nothing from product sales, affiliate promotions, advertising etc, then the site is truly a "fixer upper". The good news is that you are in control, and for the most part, the only cost to you past a domain and hosting is the time involved.

The second issue that you should understand is that the internet is moving towards a premium on value. Sites that offer value get return visitors, and more chances to earn revenue. In turn, you need to be thinking about how you can provide value to the buyer of your website so that you can benefit the maximum amount as well. That means that you need to put some thought and a bit of effort into building the site as a long term asset, and not just as something you can sell off in a hurry.

These two points are the backbone when it comes to how and why to build websites to flip. Whether you buy an aged domain, or you start from scratch, the thought process should always be:
1) How can I provide value through this site for site visitors and potential buyers?

2) How can I monetize this site to show the monetary value for a potential buyer?

The other point we should mention as it relates to monetizing a site is that you will be able to put some money into your pocket between site flips. Even if it is only a few dollars a day, this is still better than not earning anything for long stretches of time.

And to wrap this up, why should you build websites to flip? The easy answer is that it is a fairly simple method of earning money online. Some people do this as their sole form of income, while others develop sites and sell them for a few hundred dollars every couple of months to pad their bank account or finance a larger cost.

When you combine the how and the why as they relate to building websites to flip, you will see that they can be lucrative and rewarding if you take the time and have the correct approach.

If that sounds like a lot of work, checkout "A Flip A Day" and follow the steps an expert uses to make good money Flipping Websites.

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