Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Product Data Management: A Clear Definition of Business Workflow

Product data management (PDM) works as the central storage of product information. It is essential to companies as it clearly defines procedures involved in the development, delivery and use of product data. It assures quick monitoring, access to and control of data. The phrase "waiting time" is no longer applicable because there is no more unnecessary waiting for delivery of required information. What's needed is all contained in one storage area; therefore, access is faster regardless of the type or location of data. As it reduces workflow time, it also increases productivity. This business solution also assures the security of records. It only permits access to authorized personnel and enables the delivery of data only to those users. Because it allows the setup of an automatic procedure to offer fluidity to the workflow, it guarantees improved, uninterrupted and prompt business operations as well.

During the process of implementation, businesses are able to obtain a great number of benefits. One such benefit is that it is able to address issues on product data quality. Because information that gets inside the system of the product data management is evaluated prior to operation, it naturally leads to the discovery of inaccurate and duplicate files. High quality of data is therefore guaranteed and collected. Everyone who is involved in the information supply chain is assured of reliable data at all times. This is how data quality improvement becomes evident and continues to improve throughout the use of this eCommerce application.

If we look at the other side of the equation, data accuracy for companies that fail to implement PDM is just over 60 percent. This disappointing rate is sure to be one of the factors behind failures in businesses, especially those in the manufacturing or production industries. This is the reason why PDM is considered as one of the major components of the product lifecycle management. It comprises data like CAD drawing, part number, part description, price, unit of measure, vendor, vendor number and vendor part description, among others. If there are changes made in the records, it allows easy tracking and management and accuracy is heightened.

Businesses processes need not be stressful and complicated. It can be made easy and trouble-free with the use of applications and systems like product data management that aids in their smooth flow. Time and money may be needed to invest on them but benefits and advantages far outweigh any doubts of wasted resources. You will clearly see significant changes that will bring in stability in enterprise data and that will result in a better performing workflow.

If it's your aim to improve the efficiency and quality of your product information, then you need product data management by The company's PDM platform supports product data quality and data quality improvement, which results to reduced costs, improved business workflow, and increased productivity.

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